Monday, February 16, 2009

Facets of Me

“The many facets of me surprise me. One shade this moment, a different one the next, a brighter hue in between, just before the darkest stroke.
In this blur of shades, hues and strokes lost somewhere deep within is little me. Scared, in awe, wanting to soar but not taking off, holding on tighter while trying to let go” said a little girl to me, not long ago.

How many of us go through life like that? Dreams, goals, ambitions starry eyed we start, a few wrong moves and then get stuck?

Some dare to pick up the lose ends and attempt getting back on track. Most just linger on the floor, gathering dust, full of remorse.

Do you have what it takes to soar high in the sky, in gay abandon and live a carefree life?

Nothing in life comes without a price. Give up your security, that’s such a heavy price.

The returns may come, or it could be otherwise, it’s a risk you take with your eyes open wide.

The vast open sky lures you on, “come embrace me” she calls out.

The temptation is strong, the attraction from within, to spread your wings and feel in your face the cool wind.

But fear weighs you down, not yet ready to fly, the intricacies of life still anonymous.


Anonymous said...

You write very well. I missed you when you were not blogging.

Anonymous said...
