The journey of life is a mysterious one
Turns and crossroads we come across
Some easier to fathom than others
And at some we just have to turn around
Jump over the boulders or get stuck.
With the eyes on your goal the obstacles seem small
But the obstacles loom large when the vision is switched off
Often tired, sometimes forlorn, I keep going inspite the odds.
Giving up is easy, it’s beckoning so enticing
How easy it would be to just relax and do nothing.
But that’s not what I’m here for, to make a difference I stand
My birth would be worthwhile only then, I have to oft remind myself.
Breathing, eating, procreating and dying…even worms do that.
With a human life comes a great responsibility
How far I fulfil it remains to see.
- Rukma
Keep walking. That's life. Who knows on which turn the person will find the most beautiful life he/she ever imagined!
Love, passion, and belief, the most powerful motivations in life, usually determine the direction we take in life ... the driving force of everyday life, they ignite a fiery energy and an unfaltering determination, to achieve the goals we feel worth striving for, and in the process make life meaningful.
Rukma, wish you luck in your journey through life, and, may all your wishes and dreams come true.
So empathize with the speaker. Am tired, exhausted, drained....physically, mentally, emotionally. Sapped. Would indeed be so very easy to sit back and relax...watch the world go by...yet, there's so much to do and so less time.
Journey through life is indeed mysterious. An enigma.
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