Thursday, October 9, 2008

Free to Live

Born freeeee….
As free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart.

…go the lyrics of a popular song; one of my favourites in fact. Nice to sing, nice to listen to, nice to dance to (well, I love to dance to it…with gay abundance!) In fact the words are worth a thought.

We are born free, in a free country. But how free are we? Are we free to live? Are we free to follow our heart? Have you ever wondered?

I do believe we are born free, but somewhere down the line as we grow up, the shackles come on. What are these shackles? Who puts them on? Why do we allow them?

Fear is the fetter on our freedom. Fear stops us from being free. This fear could be ingrained in us from childhood. Not for want of love but out of love. Our parents suffer from their own fears and that prompts them to unwittingly pass on the fears to us. Fear of our safety, fear of loosing us. This in turn puts fear in our hearts and we grow up fearful. Some are less fearful than others but fearful all the same. Fear of society, fear of being maligned, fear of being ostracised, fear of being isolated, fear of being alone, fear of letting down, fear of letting go, fear of taking on responsibility, fear of taking decisions…and so on.

The fact is we are as free as we want to be. If we want to be free nobody can stop us. There is only one entity in this whole world who can stop us from being free and that is our own self. No one but you yourself is responsible for the way your life shapes up.

Drop the fear and you are free; free to live!!

(PS: In case you haven’t heard the Born Free song, you must. Here are the lyrics…

Born free, as free as the wind blows, as free as the grass grows,
Born free to follow your heart.
Live free and beauty surrounds you, the world still astounds you,
Each time you look at the stars.
Stay free where no walls divide you, you're free as the roaring tide,
So there's no need to hide.Born free and life is worth living, but only worth livng,
Cause you're born free.)

1 comment:

Giriraj said...

A gr8 post to follow after "of promises and letdowns"..

my compliments to u for selecting the best song to start ur post..

today, fear in various forms haunts us.. and we get bogged down.. instead, as u suggest, we should open up our mind and drop fear.. to be FREE..

Kudos to u guruji.. ur writing will surely inspire every reader..